Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm in love with a new band called Micachu and the Shapes. Everything I was looking for in new music in 2009 is in this band.
I was at a English Teacher conference for the last four days. Sleeping in a room with two dudes I never met before, drinking after the day long lectures. And I'm wondering why the sky isn't blue today?
I do feel refreshed and woken up and like I can handle up on the teaching biz a little better. I think I was just starting to get really entrenched in my social life around Anyang so I was uprooted when I went out to Bundang for the conference and shoved into a group of foreigners. I met some pretty cool people, though, so I'm not hating too much. Played some ping pong and pool the last night. I'll take ping pong over drinking almost any night. Made some ethnic friends. It's all about the ethnic friends. F$*(! Whitey!
Of course coming back home was a bit of a turn around thirteen times with a blindfold on then take it off. Oh yeah, I'm in Korea, so it was back to being the standout in the crowd.
Ho hum, another year here is looking more and more the option. I just don't know how I'm feeling. I'm young so I got time but I'm young so I wanna see places. It's a decision to make, but I guess wtih travel time I'll be able to fulfill the needs. Time's running out for decisions.
One thing I really like here is you go to a cafe and sit by the window and you can see people in the restaurant across the street. It's a happy zoo.

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