Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jo Ah Yo

Despite the hardships of dealing with a death back home a couple weeks ago, things have been rolling along as usual here. Tuesday was Children's Day and I went with some friends to Seoul Grand Park and to the Contemporary art museum. There's a giant temple like structure made out of TVs with hyperactive video clips playing on each one. And there are paintings. We went bowling afterward and I'm seeing my score steadily improve. I went from bowling 40 on Sunday to 100 on Tuesday. Yesterday I was back at the museums with some teachers/friends from my school. We ate duck for lunch which was amazing. It was stuffed with rice and berries. And I ate dog stew the day before. It's not bad. We saw some India Art at the gallery, which was a little meh, but there was some good photography. It was pictures of two older Indian women posed to look like paintings. I wish I had written the name of the artist. The last picture in the series was a black and white mugshot of the two women. Of course all the descriptions are in Korean, hehe.
I went to a Korean language class last night and tonight I'm meeting a friend in Sindorim. Tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game in Jamsil. Dad'll be here in about five weeks. Listening to Dinosaur Jr.'s 07 album. cha cha

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