Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jens, Söderlund and all the Swedes

It's fall, but it's sort of a bleached fall, washed out is the sky and there's an odd quiet going around. I'm comfortably happy, well not completely comfortable, but comfortable enough, slightly elated, sort of like floating in this bleached out calm and looking forward to every moment I'll spend with a certain girl.
But getting to the title of this post, I've been listening to a lot of the Swedes, especially jj, and also Tough Alliance, good old Jens, Honeydrips, Air France. It's all connected and it's all pretty, and labeled Balearic Pop, which I'm not quite sure I understand but it has something to do with the beats or the sound. But getting to Söderlund, he makes some pretty fitting videos to all this music, and let's take a look.

That was Sipping on the Sweet Nectar by Jens Lekman. As wistful as it gets, I guess.
Another -

As simple as it is, this is my favorite. The Honeydrips - I Wouldn't Know What to Do

Air France - Collapsing At Your Door Step
Sorta like a dream...

Just a couple of Swedish dudes on a scooter.

This one isn't from Soderlund, but these guys are what I've been listening to the most, lately. jj - My Swag, My Life

And here's their version of a famous TV theme song, set to an odd slow mo of a tennis player.

That's all.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last Weekend

This past weekend was not nearly as crazy as the Chuseok weekend, but it was good nonetheless. On Friday I was just going to stay in, but my friend Harry called and we went out for drinks in Geumjeong.

Saturday I did some work in the morning for the Sunday class in Sanbon that I'm a leader of and then I met a friend to go see a movie in Yongsan. There's a movie theater with English subtitles there and we went to see a new Korean movie about a guy with Lou Gehrig's Disease. The English title is "Closer to Heaven"
It was pretty sadcore, but not bad and the actor lost a lot of weight for his role, which is really admirable. After the movie, my "friend" and me^^ went to eat and then coffee then we headed home. was it a date? yeah, maybe, yeah okay, I think it was.

On Sunday, I went to Sanbon early to do a little reading and then to the Friends study where I'm a leader. I really don't care because they are all my friends, so I don't mind helping out. We review the vocabulary for the episode of Friends and then watch it and then discuss. After that we go out for dinner and drinks. The girl I met Saturday was there too, so that was good. And well, yeah, it would have been cool to go to a film festival in Busan, but the weekend was really cool for just staying close to home.

Chuseok Part 2

Does anyone know how to upload pictures so that they fall in with the text and not at the start? I was getting annoyed with dragging the pictures down through the text every time I uploaded, so I started a new post.

On Sunday, we went to Lotte World. It's sort of the Korean answer to Disney World and while Everland is great with its zoo and its T Express, Lotte World has some really scary rides, and I rode ALL of them. HAHAHAHAHA!

I guess in these past couple weeks, I threw out all my past fears of amusement park rides. Because I rode this.I'm not sure at what angle that camera is being held, but let's just say the thing went really high, and spun in circles. I also rode a thing called Bungee Drop, and Atlantis, both of which have had people experience horrible accidents on, including death.

We had a really good time at Lotte World. There's not much else to say, but here are a couple of pics.Before riding the Waikiki WaveEveryone at the Magic Kingdom say Heyyy OHHH!
From the left, Wang Feng's husband, Wang Feng, Stephanie, Me, Ting Ting, and Chris
And this guy is just awesome

All and all it was a great weekend and I had a blast.

Chuseok Part 1

October 3, 4, and 5 was the Chuseok holiday, similar to our Thanksgiving. I didn't get to pig out on squash and meat but I did get to have a really great weekend.
It started Thursday night, actually, when I went to my friend Katie's apartment and our Chinese friends came over to cook us some delicious Chinese food. The 2nd was China Day, the new China's official birthday. I learned how to play Go Stop also. It's a traditional Korean card game. Katie and her boyfriend, Soo playing Go StopSome Go Stop CardsTing Ting and Wang Feng, at work in the kitchen
Delicious Chinese Food

On Friday I went to visit Ryan in Dongducheon along with my friend Katie. Katie, Soo and I took a bus from Suwon which took way too long, but was probably a little more comfortable than the train. We had a pretty good time, but my brother still annoys me adn there were some tense moments. Frankly, I'm a little upset that he went to a film festival this past weekend without inviting me, but that's neither here nor there. What did we do in Dongducheon? We played Go Stop, taught Ryan how to play, ate some western food and I went home in the evening and Katie went out to Uijeongbu to meet her boyfriend's family. Ryan and I both had plans to meet friends in the morning. Ryan went to Lotte World and I met my friends to go to Gyeonbok Palace in Seoul.

I had been to Gyeongbokgung before with my dad, but I didn't mind going back. It's a cool place and I did a few new things this time like go to the museum and to some cool old timey Korean village.Da Palace
All the kids looked cute in the traditional Korean dress, "Hanbok"I had to try on the Hanbok, myself and random people came over to take pictures with me^^
I wish it was my part time job. I would gladly be the foreignor in Hanbok on weekends.Some old fashioned Go Stop CardsJoining hands and singing in a circle
After the Palace, we went back to Beomgye to eat BBQ. That's Ting TIng on the Left and Stephanie in the middle.Wang Feng with her husband who came to Korea for the weekend to visit.
We went to Noraebang after BBQ and took a lot of pictures, but this one pretty much sums it up.