Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daft Punk is Playing at My House

It looks like I'm only teaching about 16 classes a week. That's two less than last year's, around 3 per day. I'm not teaching any second graders, which makes me kind of sad, because I'll miss my students from last year, but I'll see them around the school, and I get to teach the second graders I had last year who are third graders now. I'm teaching a listening class, but I have no idea what that will be like yet. I'm trying to set up some kind of English club, but I was already told I couldn't meet students outside of school because, basically, they don't trust foreigners around the students outside of school, which is really depressing. So, I'm going to see if I can do something on Saturday at the school when students have to go to school for clubs. Man, I just wanted to meet a few students Sunday afternoon at a cafe to help them practice their English, but whatever. I've been reading too many articles about anti foreigner sentiment that the Koreans have, so it sort of got on my nerves when I was told that.

Freak Out!

I'm freaking out about not knowing my schedule for the new semester, which starts next week. How am I supposed to know how many copies to make? I've experienced being kept in the dark here many a time, but this is a little ridiculous. I don't have a clue what I'm teaching next week except for my first grade classes, but I don't know how many first grade classes I have.
Listening to some remastered Leonard Cohen, trying to chill out but Leonard's voice can't always drown out the Korean of my coworkers, which today is grating on me. It's mainly the stress of not knowing about next week, though.
I'm not really looking forward to the teacher dinner tonight, which if it's anything like the other teacher dinners, will be me listening to everyone talk Korean and occasionally hearing my name come up, but never having why it was explained to me. Sighhhhhhhh.
I need a haircut.
Last night I watched half of That Obscure Object of Desire by Bunuel, but I got bored. So I watched Gran Torino. I think it should have been animated or rotoscoped or whatever that animation they used in Waking Life is called. Because often, Clint Eastwood was like a Country Bear. Listened to some good This American Life. Tried to chat with a Korean girl online, but I felt like I was talking to one of my students, and she wasn't being responsive, so I nixed it.
I'm ready for the weekend.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I woke up late today. But only on purpose. I'm supposed to be at school at 830 but I had to go by the bank so I ended up getting here at 930. There was a girl at the convenience store I stopped at to buy a package of instant coffee tubes (mocha gold), and she looked like a student. She was watching cartoons on a TV hanging from the ceiling.
Last night I went to the Language group and got Korean shoved into my brain. Seriously, the woman teaching me was hardcore. I got to that point of too much information in my head, and she just kept cramming it into my ears. But it's good, I'm learning things like, 'i would like to buy an apple' and 'i don't want to eat pizza.' But who would ever say that they don't want to eat pizza?
Still worried about next week because I don't know my schedule yet. I know it's just going to be an introduction week, but I'd like to know these things.
I feel like I'm not saving enough money and this might be a factor in deciding to move to China if I decide to move to China. It's expensive here. But I also might spend too much on Noraebang and Beer.
some pros and cons in my (probably too early) china debate
I've got a good friend there (Oren) and I don't find good friends like him easily.
It's cheaper to live there
I would be working less hours if I get the job Oren said he can get me, teaching about the same age as here, and I wouldn't pay for most utilities I have to pay for here like electricity, internet.
Maybe China is less conservative?

I like my students and I don't feel good about leaving after just one year.
Picking up and moving is a drag.
China might be less safe.

We'll see what outweighs what in the future. It all depends on what kind of relationships I build here and how I feel after I vacation to China in August. I just overthink and plan too early on this kind of thing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lost and Found

I think that's the third blog I've given up on. That old south korea see saws. I liked the name, and I tried to go back to it a few times, but I couldnt find it. Maybe I forgot my username or password, probably both. So this is a new one I'm starting on a whim and I'll tell you all about it sometimes. I just mean, I'm not going to tell anyone about it until I know I'm serious. I didn't even give much thought to the title. Shirts music kinda sounded like church music or search music to me so I thought shirts music would be the most absurd of the three.
Anyways, I'm bored, thus the blog. Maybe this is just a last resort once I've burned myself out on news sites and digg and facebook and so I'm just sitting at the school, waiting for the semester to begin next week. I'm listening to New York by Lou Reed and I really love this album. I thought Lou Reed was a little outdated, I mean, I like velvet underground, but his solo stuff never really took to me. Perfect Day is a great song, but I never cozied up to songs like andy's chest, something about the production on that album, (is it transformer?) anyways, Dirty Blvd. is a great great song.
New teachers in my office now. I don't like it. I mean they seem nice. But Korea has this thing where they transfer the teachers every year either to the next grade up or to another school in the area. And part of it makes sense in a way, but they totally changed up my comfort zone I guess. You see, there's this teacher who has sat next to me since I got here and she's assigned to help me out. And they put her in a different office and stuck me with a new helper and I'm just not crazy about that. Going through withdrawals. Also didn't drink coffee this morning. Going through those withdrawals too.
Anyway, talking to Oren now. Capital bro Pap.