Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wine Broke

I knocked over a bottle of wine last night just after opening it and now my apartment smells like a wino's home. I guess it's better than the smoky smell left by the previous tenant.
I made friends with some ladies at my school by accident on Monday. I thought one of the teachers was one of my friends but she ended up being someone else.
I'm caught up on Breaking Bad and almost to the end of the first season of Big Love.
I guess there's not much to say. It's raining today and still cold.
I've been doing a lot of crosswords.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

listening bolano reading delerue

listening, reading, reading, listening,
nothing notable lately
teachers come in crashing through the office
taught the kids about sports, taught them 'take me out to the ballgame'
went to a language group meeting last night
didnt get much sleep last night

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bent Drums

Yesterday was a drag. One of those all day, nothing to do, kids taking a test but I gotta be here anyway. Plus I had an awkward conversation about my plans here. I was given a contract for the club that I'll be helping out with and they had me working on it past my contract end date. I asked them why they did that and they said they thought I was staying another year. I might have said I probably would, but that was two months ago and I never signed anything, so when I told my coworker that I didn't know and tried to explain my reasons (tried) it was a little awkward. So yesterday was awkward and I skipped out on the school dinner with all the other teachers to go home and chill out. I listened to a little This American Life and crashed early.
Today's better. When there's something to do, it's better. I taught three classes this morning and now I just have to wait it out a few hours before I can go home. I still feel a little tension in the air. I just feel sometimes like I'm not being told about things... but that's a drawback of not knowing the language everyone's speaking.

One of the funniest thing my students do is call each other out and I like to counter them when I get a chance. Some are mean about it and just go on and on. Like there's a girl who is kind of overweight and a loudmouthed boy will point to her and say "Oprah" or a boy's skin is a little darker so a boy will point to him and say "Obama". Usually the boys are more mean spirited about it than the girls who will just say things like "dull girl" pointing at their friends. At the end of one of my classes today a boy started pointing to all the other boys and saying "Japanese" "Chinese" "Indonesian" So I pointed to him and said "Philippines" and got a laugh. Anyway, it's usually all in fun.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What up Y'allllll

The weekend was a bust. I remember reading a lot and straining to watch Lost on my computer's dark screen. Still no new computer. I wish I could swing a mac, but I don't know if I should drop that much cash on something that will be outdated in a few years. I guess I'll stay a slave to the PC.

I had a date but it was pretty lame. That's what I get for letting loose too much through email. All the spark was lost in the world wide web. I'm sick of internet dating. It's a scam.

I've been listening religiously to everything Scott Carrier has to say in his segments from This American Life. Man, if anyone reads this and they have the time, look for the show entitled 'Summer' on It's way back there, maybe 96 or 97 when the show just started. It's proof that TAL is better than any TV show. Also, I found out Carrier has a radio show with NPR called Hearing Voices, which opens up a new box that I've got to be careful not to chew through too fast.

Classes are pretty easy. I'm teaching about ocean animal. I hope it's not too kidstuff, but it teaches them some Englishy and that's all that matters. My girls class was nuts yesterday and then my first class of boys was a dud. They were zombies. The last class of boys was alright, though.

No classes tomorrow, but it'll nice to come in and do jack.

I'm pissed that I'm not going to Jeju. One of the teachers asked me to come to Jeju Island with the second grade class. Jeju is the Korean Hawaii. Buuut I have class that week. Why can't they schedule all the classes' trips at the same time. First grade has a trip the next week but I don't think it's anything I can go on. I heard it's some sports camp. Damn, it's like I'm here for a year maybe, can't they let me get a little beach for a week and let my coteachers teach my classes? I'm pretty much over it now, so whatevah.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


In the wintertime they wrap the bales of hay in white plastic and it makes them look like marshmallows floating on the field.

Not much to talk about today. One of my third graders chose his English name to be Jonie Dabb (johnny depp) and I had a good time playing a game with my other class of third graders this morning (that's third grade high school, seniors in Korea).

Last night my computer spazzed out and the screen went ultra dark. I thought a bulb had burned out or something, but it was back to normal this morning. I'm hoping it can last another month or two, that is until I have a little more cash in my account so I can get a new one.
I'm thinking I'll stay here at least until Feb/March '10 right now. I don't know if that's feasible, if I'd be able to draw up a contract like that or if the won will be worth anything by then, but that's my plan so I can have some closure with the school year and see my third graders graduate.

Been listening to The Boy Least Likely To, the new one hasn't taken yet as much as the first, but it's pretty good so far. Twee-tastic.

Last night I just listened to This American Life and then my computer was working around 9 so I watched an ep of Eastbound and Down then crashed.
I try to wrap my head around the 'simple' descriptions of the economy provided by alex bloomberg and is associate but I still can't unlock that side of my brain. I'm gonna try to listen to some Planet Money podcasts, the show they have together.

What do I have planned for the weekend?

A hat?
A hammer and nails so I can finally put up my shade
A computer if mine dies again today...maybe
That many smiles of Heath Ledger shirt if I can find it.

Call Pap tonight
Meet some friends Saturday.
Maybe drop by the English cafe in Sanbon on Sunday

I just want to relaxxxxxx.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Damn, lunch makes me sleepy. And it wasn't that good Again. four for four this week.
I'm almost to making my lesson plan, but gotta blog first.
Yesterday was a riot. Not really, but here's what happened.
First, I had a girl with special needs in one of my classes and the teacher made me skip over her which made me feel awful and I'm sure made her sad too because she put her head on the desk afterward. It was really sad. She's going to be in another class next week.
After work I finally went to get my haircut. First I went to the coffee shop to order a macchiato. Unfortunately they thought I wanted a Caramel Macchiato. I should have known better after picking it up and sure enough the first sip was way too sweet. Instead of taking it back I sipped a little down while waiting for my haircut, but I swear the syrup was coating my throat with sugar, so I just left it on the table.
The haircut was a lot fun since the girl that was doing it didn't speak English. She was cute, though, so we worked through it. I decided to do a little shopping after that. I went looking for the store with the shirt that says "The many smiles of Heath Ledger" but I couldn't find it, so I went to the underground shopping area. I went to a shop I'd been to before but the girl who worked there was extremely annoying (following me around) and rude (I'm pretty sure she said I couldn't try on any clothes). She finally let me try on clothes but I just tried on one shirt then left. She had this really rude attitude towards me that I wasn't digging. I went to the shop where i bought my coat "Friend" and found a cool plaid button up. The old dude who works there was really nice and that's what it's all about people. Just be nice and usually I'll buy something. I found some sushi after that and took it back to my place. Stopped by the nice lady at the fruit stand and bought some tangerines. Went home and watched a couple shows. Eastbound and Down is HILARIOUS. It's crude but the main actor was in Pineapple Express and All the Real Girls and the guy is insanely funny.
Today classes were alright. I had bang bang bang, three in a row starting first perious, so it's good to chill before my last one in last period. I gotta make lesson plans, though. It's been so gray lately, makes me sleepier.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm gonna do this again today. Because I"m bored and still another twenty minutes until my last class. Listening to Vivien Girls p4ktv.
I want a mug full of espresso that I can rest frothed milk on so it will look like a cloud on top of a sludgeheap.
I should be planning for next week's classes but my body feels rusted over along with my brain. I have no idea what to do for the third grade classes I teach tomorrow. I think doing the same thing as first graders is okay this week, but it will probably go by fast. I'm going to have to keep those kids in line.
I wish there was a swimming pool in my apartment. There's something to be said about a country where most people don't have baths. I don't know what to say, but there's something. I mean, taking a bath is the best sometimes. I took them for a couple years when my foot was all wrapped and wounded, and one can find efficiency in them. They're not always just candles and Nora Roberts.
Nora Roberts reminds me of when I priced crappy books at Goodwill. So man Janet Evanovanovavich, so little time.
Lunch was curry. I mean I like curry, but it could've been better. The cafeteria is three for three this week. Usually they do pretty good, maybe two meals out of five aren't that good. But three for three, come on ladies. Let me introduce you to my secret ingredient... The eyelashes of old men.
The world's just one big world. There's no twist and turns, no secret alleyways, it's all a big pair of lungs and we're pushing and pulling to make it breathe.
Forgive me if I sometimes say stupid things, it's just my mind sort of bleeding if you will. Did I mention I'm bored?

Click on the above.

I fried chopped banana in a little oil, water, coffee, sugar last night and poured them and the residue into a a little milk. Poured the rest of the coffee in a mug and that's how I make dessert out of scraps and pieces.
I was looking at my mom's blog today and saw the Christmas decorations she made last year. Those things should be in a gallery. My mom's a creative woman. She should have her own TV show and Martha Stewart should be all, hey I made this goat cheese salad for you.

It's another ten minutes and I don't know how much I can keep up the rambling, but believe me, there's absolutely nothing left on the internet for me. Nothing. It's a barren wastland and the only other thing I could do is get my self together and actually do the work for next week, but it's only Wednesday and I got plenty of time tomorrow.

Olive Garden

I was told I look sick today. Yeah, baby, I'm sick. Sick for your love.

My hair has reached a volume that's large, poofed out like a bush. It needs cutting.

All the kids that like hiphop try to look like badasses, but they don't realize that they're white. Okay okay, they're korean. But they're still white.

I'm almost finished with 'interpreter of maladies'. Nothing like even headed writing to leave you even headed.

Man, these kids were shaking today as they were introducing themselves in English. Like leaves.

Wearing my new shirt and pants but I feel like an outlaw with the hemlock on my head.

The weekend's coming. I'm setting up a flickr page. I've got one class left today. I've got to make a lesson plan for next week. I'm tired.

I thought I heard a cat meow as I was walking through the school gate this morning.

I think I tried to watch a movie last night, but I ended up talking to Oren for a couple hours.

Monday, March 2, 2009

cologne storm

There's salesdude in the office wearing too much cologne and it's making me all nauseous.

The first classes were stonefaced yesterday, little zombies fresh out the morgue. Well, I guess the girls were alright, but the boys were silent as hell and I think it's just shyness. I'm looking forward to their loosening up as well as mine, but I hope thinks don't reach the havoc of some of last semester's classes of boys.

I start my classes in about ten minutes and today it's two girls classes and one boy class. They don't really understand the meaning of the word exciting. I try to explain but some say the most exciting thing they've done is sleeping or watching TV.

Last night I got sucked into tv on the pc since sunday is the night with the most shows I watched, but it reached an ugly place where I felt like a zombie myself and that nothing I watched had any meaning and I wasn't even laughing at the simpsons, just staring blankly and my apartment's a bit of a mess so I was quick to go to bed, and even though I'll be busy this evening I got to pick it up a little.

The Home Ec teacher approached me yesterday before we took a teacher group photo and told me she wanted to practice English with me. Her husband worked in India for a few years and she lived there and tried to learn a little English. She's a nice lady.
Lunch was atrocious yesterday and I mostly ate spinach because the meat dish was mostly bone and very little meat. Hoping it's better today.
I went shopping after school yesterday at a corner supermarche and got great deals compared to the mart in Lotte Dept. Store.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

shopping, hiking,...


On Friday I didn't have to come to the school, so I slept more than usual. I needed to get out, though, so I went downtown around 1 o clock. First, I hit up McDonald's for lunch. The place was crowded, mostly with schoolgirls. I grabbed a Shanghai Spice Burger and ate surrounded by gigglingness. Sated on western food, I traversed the streets of "Il bang ga" (the downtown area of Anyang) and dropped into one of my favorite clothing stores. Only in Korea, well, probably only in most foreign speaking countries, but man, what strange t shirts you can find. I saw one that had an article printed on it about the mouthharp. Of course, anything with English is top. I found a long sleeve with colorful cassette tapes printed on it. On the bottom it reads, "Vintage cassette tape illustration from norwegian magazine." It's best not to think too much about it. I also found a pair of pants, surprised they would fit. The dude at the shop told me I looked very handsome, and I just smiled and nodded. After that shop, I walked around looking for my favorite cafe. Sometimes I get lost in that maze of shops and cafes and it took me a good fifteen minutes to find it. Other times, I'll know right where to go. Confusion abounds. I finally got there, ordered a cappuccino (I don't know if it's the espresso or the milk, but man their drinks are good). I got it to go, and walked over to Stop, another clothing store. I got some pretty cool sweaters there a couple months ago, so I thought I would check it out but the selection wasn't as good and their customer service was a little dreary. I ended up buying a couple button ups for about fifteen bucks each, so I could look a little snazzier for the new semester. Not that vintage cassette tape shirts aren't snazzy. After that I went home, ended up grabbing a pizza (the rare double western food day) and went to bed.


I had to get up early on Saturday. One of the coolest teachers at my school, Mr. Kim had invited me to go hiking with his schoolmates. They're all in their sixties! Mr. Kim and I took the train to Dongducheon, a good two hours, and I nodded off on the way. We got there at ten and all his hiking buddies were waiting, decked out in their anoraks and hiking shoes. I was lacking in the hiking garb, but what's a guy to do? My brother met us too, his scraggly self. The hiking friends were a little standoffish at first, but things loosened up as we hiked. We walked from Dongducheon station to the base of Macheon Mountain, and climbed and climbed. I thought we reached the top a good three times before we actually reached the top. Wearing Vans isn't a good idea for hiking, I slipped a couple times, but nothing serious. Once we reached the top, we lunched on Korean food and sandwiches and fruit. The sandwiches were some strange mixture of ham and cheese and jam. Yeah, strawberry jam between the slices of ham. hamjam. jamham. After lunch Ryan had to rush back the way we came because he was getting his internet connected. I continued on with the group, descending the mountain on the opposite slope.

When we got back down to Soyosan station, it was about 330. We drank some soju and makkoli and ate some soup. I was exhausted. I was supposed to meet some friends that night, but they cancelled, so I joined the old dudes in Noraebang and sang classics like Hotel California and Heart of Gold. Singing My Way with a sixty year old Korean guy who speaks very little English was pretty surreal. The whole experience was really heartwarming, though. When I see older men on the streets, usually I'm met with a scowl or a loud cough or I'm just completely ignored, and I'm sure that if I were to have seen any of these men on the street before this day, the same would have happened. But after that day of hiking, they called me a friend and even invited me to their next event in March. I got home at about ten that night. It was a pretty amazing day.


Last Sunday I went to a English group and hung out, watched an episode of Desperate Housewives and talked about it. It was kind of lame. This sunday I was going to go again, even though I was pretty tired from the previous day's excursion, but I got on the wrong train. I got on a rapid to Cheonan, thinking it would stop at my transfer station, Geumjeon where I'd get on a train to Sanbon. Unfortunately, it didn't stop until Suwon and if I tried to go back from there, I would be a good 30-45 minutes late to the group. I hadn't seen a friend of mine who lives in Suwon in a while, so I called him up instead, and we grabbed some lunch and talked about the kind of stuff indie rock obsessed nerds talk about (new music, pitchfork, great albums of 08, etc.) Lunch was some weird soup with chewy chicken parts in it, but I ate it anyway. Basically, we didn't really know what we were ordering. I think the lady running the restaurant just brought out whatever for us, to mess with us. After that we grabbed a beer and a coffee (not the best mix) and sat outside in the cold wind, watching the ladies pass and talking more about Animal Collective, Dan Deacon and the like. I took a train back to Anyang, picked up some pasta and broccoli near Anyang station, and walked home. It was a decent day.

Now, it's Monday and I'm a little nervous about starting the new semester. I have my first class in a couple hours and we're just going to introduce ourselves.

I can't stop listening to the two songs I have by this san francisco band called Girls.

As my coworker just said as we finished eating pears:
The End!