Monday, March 9, 2009

What up Y'allllll

The weekend was a bust. I remember reading a lot and straining to watch Lost on my computer's dark screen. Still no new computer. I wish I could swing a mac, but I don't know if I should drop that much cash on something that will be outdated in a few years. I guess I'll stay a slave to the PC.

I had a date but it was pretty lame. That's what I get for letting loose too much through email. All the spark was lost in the world wide web. I'm sick of internet dating. It's a scam.

I've been listening religiously to everything Scott Carrier has to say in his segments from This American Life. Man, if anyone reads this and they have the time, look for the show entitled 'Summer' on It's way back there, maybe 96 or 97 when the show just started. It's proof that TAL is better than any TV show. Also, I found out Carrier has a radio show with NPR called Hearing Voices, which opens up a new box that I've got to be careful not to chew through too fast.

Classes are pretty easy. I'm teaching about ocean animal. I hope it's not too kidstuff, but it teaches them some Englishy and that's all that matters. My girls class was nuts yesterday and then my first class of boys was a dud. They were zombies. The last class of boys was alright, though.

No classes tomorrow, but it'll nice to come in and do jack.

I'm pissed that I'm not going to Jeju. One of the teachers asked me to come to Jeju Island with the second grade class. Jeju is the Korean Hawaii. Buuut I have class that week. Why can't they schedule all the classes' trips at the same time. First grade has a trip the next week but I don't think it's anything I can go on. I heard it's some sports camp. Damn, it's like I'm here for a year maybe, can't they let me get a little beach for a week and let my coteachers teach my classes? I'm pretty much over it now, so whatevah.

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