Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm gonna do this again today. Because I"m bored and still another twenty minutes until my last class. Listening to Vivien Girls p4ktv.
I want a mug full of espresso that I can rest frothed milk on so it will look like a cloud on top of a sludgeheap.
I should be planning for next week's classes but my body feels rusted over along with my brain. I have no idea what to do for the third grade classes I teach tomorrow. I think doing the same thing as first graders is okay this week, but it will probably go by fast. I'm going to have to keep those kids in line.
I wish there was a swimming pool in my apartment. There's something to be said about a country where most people don't have baths. I don't know what to say, but there's something. I mean, taking a bath is the best sometimes. I took them for a couple years when my foot was all wrapped and wounded, and one can find efficiency in them. They're not always just candles and Nora Roberts.
Nora Roberts reminds me of when I priced crappy books at Goodwill. So man Janet Evanovanovavich, so little time.
Lunch was curry. I mean I like curry, but it could've been better. The cafeteria is three for three this week. Usually they do pretty good, maybe two meals out of five aren't that good. But three for three, come on ladies. Let me introduce you to my secret ingredient... The eyelashes of old men.
The world's just one big world. There's no twist and turns, no secret alleyways, it's all a big pair of lungs and we're pushing and pulling to make it breathe.
Forgive me if I sometimes say stupid things, it's just my mind sort of bleeding if you will. Did I mention I'm bored?


Click on the above.

I fried chopped banana in a little oil, water, coffee, sugar last night and poured them and the residue into a a little milk. Poured the rest of the coffee in a mug and that's how I make dessert out of scraps and pieces.
I was looking at my mom's blog today and saw the Christmas decorations she made last year. Those things should be in a gallery. My mom's a creative woman. She should have her own TV show and Martha Stewart should be all, hey I made this goat cheese salad for you.

It's another ten minutes and I don't know how much I can keep up the rambling, but believe me, there's absolutely nothing left on the internet for me. Nothing. It's a barren wastland and the only other thing I could do is get my self together and actually do the work for next week, but it's only Wednesday and I got plenty of time tomorrow.

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